
What I am working on at the moment?

I am currently working in adult social care and community safety for East Sussex County Council. Key issues facing this role include health and social care integration, community resilience and asset-based wellbeing, and longer-term demand management and service redesign. My role focuses on how the council and partners use systems, data, insight and communications to improve social care. I am also responsible for a range of substance misuse, domestic abuse and other community safety services, as well as adult safeguarding.

Why I wanted to join the Participatory City Foundation Board?

I’ve been lucky enough to have worked with Participatory City for a number of years. I was involved in the development of the Every One Every Day partnership between Participatory City and Barking & Dagenham whilst a Director at the Council. Initially impressed by the ideas, ambition and energy, I have seen Every One Every Day develop practically across the borough. The enthusiasm with which the project was met with by residents confirmed my belief in the power of the model. 

A little bit about my background

I have worked in the public sector for over 15 years, generally in roles relating to communities, strategy, communication and data.  Many of my roles have been about leading change, challenging existing organisational understanding and seeking to alter power dynamics. Outside of work I have a young family and can be found hanging off the side of mountains when the time allows.